Posts tagged pregnancy
Questions from under a blanket

Sometimes, when you’ve been with someone for a long time, big questions can build up between you. One person might not even know it’s happening while the other is actively tormented by it.

And that’s been happening to me and Biff because I’ve been worried for months about whether he’s still attracted to me.

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Nosy Nellies: How to endure unsolicited pregnancy/parenting advice

When you’re pregnant (and even after you give birth), everyone has opinions for you. And for some reason, most of these advice-givers don’t seem able to simply share what worked for them... instead, they all seem convinced that their way is The Right Way and all other ways will inevitably lead to Doom and Gloom for you, your partner (if you have one), and your baby.

This turns out to be true whether you’re transgender or not, so I thought I’d share my tips for surviving Nagging Nancies during pregnancy and early parenthood.

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